May 2020

Rethinking our Response to COVID-19: Learning from Ebola, Spanish Flu and MERS

Abstract: Disease outbreaks impact human lives negatively in different facets. To curtail the extent of such devastation, it is imperative to design, implement and monitor interventions that can contain the outbreak with minimal impact. With the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Wuhan China in December 2019, the spread have been rapid with massive distress

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A review on Psychological Impact of Disease Outbreaks and how to respond to the impacts of COVID-19

Abstract: Disease outbreaks have been known to cause substantial devastation in the world. The impact of such outbreaks on mental health have been documented but unfortunately these haven’t been mainstreamed into emergency response preparedness. Low-income countries (LIC) are the most disadvantaged in this front especially considering mental health care hasn’t been much developed with countries

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Managing Hypertension during COVID-19

Hypertension is classified as blood pressure above 140/90 mmHg. From the scientific evidence, there are varied contributing factors to an elevated blood pressure ranging from stressful situations, dietary factors, genetic make-up, lifestyle factors such as sedentary lifestyle, disease states among others. On the backdrop of these, emerging evidence from patients being managed for Coronavirus disease

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Diabetes Care during COVID-19: The Essentials

Diabetes is one of the most prevalent Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) globally. It’s characterized by elevated sugar levels in blood circulation. As a lifestyle condition, our life choices and feeding habits play a substantial role in development of diabetes. This is why lifestyle modification i.e. exercising, dietary modification and adoption of mobile lifestyle are encouraged. These

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Championing Mental Health and Well-being during and post COVID-19

Mental health is a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to contribute to his or her community. Mental well-being is influenced by: social, psychological, and biological factors. While we acknowledge that mental health is an

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