What We Do

Health Advocacy

Health Advocacy encompasses activities that promote health and access to healthcare in communities and the greater public. A health advocate is required to support and promote the rights of patients in healthcare settings, help build capacity to improve community health and enhance health policy initiatives focused on availability of safe, effective and quality healthcare services.

Through our health advocacy program we work with corporate partners, communities, patient support groups and government agencies to address health system challenges for improved access to quality healthcare services and health outcomes. To achieve this we are involved in operational health research, health communication, community engagement, policy development and strategic operations with a focus on:

  • Mental Health
  • Non Communicable Diseases
  • Neglected Tropical Diseases
  • Reproductive Health
  • Health Systems Strengthening

YouTH Voices Network

The median age of most African countries including Kenya is 19 years. With a youthful population, the continent has tremendous potential in human resource capabilities encompassing physical strength, ingenuity and creativity. In order to tap into this potential, there’s a need to build competencies in the youth, offer them a platform to manifest their capabilities and launch into the world to drive meaningful change.

Our YouTH Voices Network works to enlighten, empower and evoke action from the youth for social development through skills development, coaching and strategic support.

We work with youth-led organizations and youth leaders who have identified challenges in their communities, are keen to tackle them and need support through the process in line with our strategic focus areas in the healthcare space.

YouTH – Youth Transformation Hub

Social Innovation Hub

Innovation is the cog that sets precedence into the future. The power of innovation in our livelihoods and wellbeing as human beings is dependent on the applicability, suitability and level of adoption of innovative products and solutions. With growth of the innovation space both in the technology arena and systems innovations the contribution of innovation cannot be downplayed. From improved efficiencies, increased productivity, reduced costs among others innovation standardizes opportunities. Kenya’s innovative potential is unparalleled in the region and with myriad of social and systemic challenges, the ability to leverage on this key resource is an imperative for development.

Our Social Innovation Hub is designed to nurture innovative ideas focused on solving social problems with an impact on health and well-being. We support ideation, prototyping & implementation of the innovative ideas for social impact.

We are inclined to systems or process innovations and hone in on applicability, adaptability and scalability of the innovation.