Coagulopathies and Bleeding Disorders

Coagulopathies and bleeding disorders are a group of disease states characterized by impaired clotting of blood. This can lead to either clotting of blood in circulation or excessive bleeding both of which are fatal. Normal control of bleeding is controlled by platelets and clotting factors (produced from the liver) in a coordinated mechanism such as following an injury. Clotting in the case of an injury serves a protective function as it prevents excessive bleeding while as blocking entry of pathogens into the body. However, when blood clotting occurs in circulation this is a pathological state as it presents a risk of failure in nourishment to vital body organs e.g. heart, brain, lungs etc. In this situations, one might have a stroke, myocardial infarction or even a pulmonary embolism when the clot dislodges in the lungs.

With Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), there have been reports of hypercoagulable states being reported in some patients and this poses a higher risk of severe complications and even death in some circumstances. It’s based on these emerging evidence that it’s imperative to advance knowledge on these conditions as well as outline the critical considerations individuals with associated complications and those at risk must adopt to ensure their well-being.

This was why we had our webinar series to delve into the basics around “Coagulopathies and Bleeding Disorders”. You can watch the recording here.

As part of our health advocacy series we host guests who share insights on different approaches they are adopting to improve access to care to the public in their work. We hosted Dr. Farzana Sunderji, Superintendent Pharmacist MYDAWA during this session to share with a focus on “Patient Centered Pharmaceutical Care” and here is a clip on the Q&A session we had with her.

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