Amplifying Youth Voices for Health

Ryculture Health and Social Innovation is a forward looking social enterprise committed to improving access to healthcare services and promoting general human wellbeing through human capacity development and health systems strengthening.
Acknowledging the contribution of the youth in addressing social challenges in their communities, we identified some pertinent shortcomings that either cause these interventions to fail or stagnate. Realizing that Kenya as any other African country has a favorable demographic dividend with a youthful population, we set out to establish modalities of ensuring this critical resource is put to maximum use and empowered to drive meaningful community development initiatives. This led to the birth of YouTH Voices Programme.
YouTH Voices is an initiative that seeks to amplify the voices of the youth in a transformative agenda for health and their well-being. Through Ryculture YouTH Voices we aspire to enlighten, empower and evoke the youth to act for their health, the health of their communities and their well-being.
Health is a key driver of national development. With the current pandemic, it’s been even made more profound that without good health any other aspirations and facets of our lives are at risk. Kenya having made a resolution to realize Universal Healthcare Coverage (UHC) under the Presidents’ Big Four Agenda in line with SDG pillar 3.8, the political commitment has been evident and promising. This creates an impetus for action towards the realization of this goal.

Young people have a role to play in safeguarding their health and the health of their communities which has been made evident in their response during the pandemic. Additionally, there are other areas in which the contribution of the youth have been impactful i.e. mental health advocacy, innovations for health, sexual reproductive health among others. These are major contributions but unfortunately, these are often left as stand-alone projects with no clear modalities for mainstreaming them into the national health agenda and policy forming processes to ensure some of the best practices can be adopted and integrated in the overall UHC strategy.
To mitigate some of these challenges, we partnered with Health NGOs Network (HENNET), Phillips Therapeutics Limited, Portcross Limited, You.C100, Planet Wizard, Pharmacy Students’ Association of Kenya
Ryculture Health and Social Innovation

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