Pharmacy and Mental Health: Bridging the Care Gap

On 10th October 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) marked World Mental Health Day by launching a report of a survey on the status of mental health globally. The report found out that up to 98% of the 130 countries that were surveyed had experience disruption of mental health services. This coming on the backdrop of a global pandemic with the surge in mental health conditions isn’t favourable. Considering access to mental health services were dismal even before the pandemic, it’s imperative that alternative approaches are adopted to improve access to mental health services.

Based on observations in practice, we recently launched a brief survey looking at the role of Pharmacists in offering Mental Health services in a bid to consider interventions that could bridge the mental health care gap. Here is the report for the survey with key proposed interventions and clear indication of the need to have pharmacists offer mental health services. Find the report here.

Pharmacy and Mental Health_Bridging the Care Gap..

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